Career Advancement Center Brings Hope to Students Looking for Jobs
The Career Advancement Center hosted its annual GetHired event on February 19, where more than 90 students in attendance had a one-on-one chance to promote their skills and experiences with the hopes of getting an internship or job.
“The event helped me with my interviewing and people skills, said Drew Norton ’17. Many students attended the event so that they could make connections and find opportunities for the upcoming summer. Attending this event allowed students to find out about companies they were unaware of, but which could be very beneficial to their indiviual qualifications.
“GetHired attracts all differen types and sizes of organizations that offer internships and have fulltime opportunities,” said Alina Guarise, Associate Director of the Career Advancement Center.
The advantages of attending this event include, “face-to-face communication to get to know [professionals]on a more personal level,” Norton said.
GetHired also offered the opportunity for “practicing your people skills and networking with professionals, even if you aren’t looking for an internship,” Maria Naumann ’16 said. “It’s great practice.”
Only a fraction of students participated in GetHired, even though the event is promoted on campus through emails sent to the student body, as well as marketed in the Mohr Student Center. “I didn’t attend, because I have been working on my own to get an internship this summer, so I didn’t think I needed to go this year,” Elinor Chalmers ’17 said, adding, “I don’t think I’m missing out on opportunities because I can go to the event my junior and senior years.”
Most of the students who attended were upperclassmen, but that didn’t stop first- and second- year students from going. “Thiseventreallyhelped me with my communication with others and taught me what is proper to do and say and what is not,” said Norton. There isn’t an exact percentage on how many students were offered opportunities after the event, but many companies have hired Lake Forest College students in the past.